Market gardening
Veg, fruit, herbs and flowers
An overview of the fundamentals of growing and selling plants of all types on a small area of land.
Updated 7 May 2024
Seeds and plants
If you want to import seeds, plants or tubers from outside the UK you will have to notify the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to arrange and pay for a physical inspection of the material at a Border Control Point.
If you are an organic producer or converting to organic production you must use organic seeds and plants. Where a suitable organic variety is not available you can apply for a derogation.
Small farms are allowed to save and use their own seed, even from varieties which are protected by plant breeders’ rights. If you are not sure if you count as a small farm, get in touch with the British Society of Plant Breeders.
If you are handling seed, be aware that some are coated with pesticide. Check the label and take precautions – especially if you are allowing or teaching children to plant seeds.